October 12, 2005

Sadness / Tristesse...

This morning, my Malagasy friend received an email informing him of the death of his 7 year old nephew.  The little boy was hit by a car and died instantly.  My eyes fill with tears just thinking about it.  I have much sorrow for the boy's mother and for the children of my colleague who were close to their cousin.  The children have requested to see the body, but it seems the corpse was mutilated on  impact.  How to explain such a thing to a child ????  Sometimes, life seems so cruel... 
Ce matin, mon ami malgache a recu un mail l'informant du deces de son neveu de 7 ans.  Le petit garcon a ete renverse par une voiture.  J'ai les larmes aux yeux en y repensant.  J'ai beaucoup de peine pour sa maman, pour les enfants de mon collegue qui etaient proches de leur cousin.  Les enfants ont demande a voir le corps, mais il a ete mutile (?) pendant l'impact.  Comment expliquer une telle chose a un enfant ????  Parfois, la vie me semble bien cruelle... 
The Beaver


Edz said...

Parfois la vie est bien compliquee et stupide. But what can we do? Accident like this one, makes us realize how valuable our life is.

Linda Jones Malonson said...

ahhh Beaver that's so very sad. I am sending good thoughts to you and the family. Death is a part of life, but don't you just hate it when someone young dies? I know I do.