February 05, 2006

Earthquake bound / Stupeur et tremblement... de terre...

Hey guys... I know I owe you some posts.... I am extremely tired, so I'm going the lazy way and giving y'all plenty of pics to look at! Below all these pictures, there is a link... to more pictures....
Salut tout le monde... Je sais que je vous dois pas mal d'histoires... mais je suis fatiguee, alors je prends l'adage au pied de la lettre: une image vaut 1000 mots, non? Sous chaque photo, il y a un lien... vers plus de photos....

1Chopper ride ISD MAN, originally uploaded by The Travelling Beaver.

We took the helicopter twice to go to the field and back. This is just an example of the amazing views we had from above.

Nous avons pris l'helicoptere pour aller sur le terrain... et revenir... ceci est just un exemple des vues extraordinaires que nous avons eu en helicoptere....

Kashmiri children in Muzaffarabad, originally uploaded by The Travelling Beaver.

I stole this picture from my colleague (I am very scrupulous about taking pictures of people) - apparently, this kids instisted on having their picture taken. They are probably the hope of Kashmir - I wonder what their living conditions are now though...

J'ai pique cette photo a un collegue (j'ai toujours des scrupules quand vient le temps de photographier des gens....) - mais apparemment, ces enfants voulaient etre pris en photo. Ils sont probablement l'espoir du Kashmir - je me demande quelles sont leurs conditions de vie par contre...

Standing on the 1st floor of a house.... in downtown Muzaffarabad, we were told the pungy smell was that of rotten bodies that remain unfound to this day.

Debout sur ce qui devrait etre le 1er etage d'une maison... au centre ville de Muzaffarabad, on nous explique que l'odeur acre que nous sentons est celles des corps qui sont, a ce jour, toujours sous les decombres.

See the white mesh on the mountains? These are landslides. There used to be villages there, which have all been wiped out.

Vous voyez les etendues blanchatres sur la montagne? Ce sont les glissements de terrain. Il y avait des villages ici, avant, mais ils ont ete completement decimes.

The Beaver
My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !


007 in Africa said...

Thanks for those wonderful pictures. The one taken in the helicpter ride is wonderful, as are the ones of the landslides and the man standing on the pile of rubble. It's such a cliché but a picture is worth a thousand words...

Anjamon said...

Thanks for pictures sweet! Those kids look sweet! I hope you're having good time looking around. I wish you all good luck and good time of world! :D

Kiss, Kiss!!
Your friend Anya!

Saur♥Kraut said...

Thanks for the pictures. How very interesting! I know what the smell of rotting flesh is... horrible! But even worse is the contagion that comes with it. What are they doing to prevent that?