August 27, 2006
Boys have Coodies
They think they love you
But only love your love
Boys have coodies
They're proud to bear the seed
They freeze when you are true
Then screw you from above
Boys have coodies
They say you're what they need
Then one day eyes so blue
Remind remind him of the cove
Boys have coodies
The problem you must heed
Is that no matter what when who
You forget like a dove
That boys have coodies.
The Beaver
My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !
August 20, 2006
Beaver's 1st production !
The Beaver
My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !
Bilingue... Catch up !
Monday, August 7, 2006, I lived a barbarian moment. Though with the jetlag, it was much less painful, but really, being up at 3:30 AM to take a flight, ouchie!
A Banda Aceh tôt le mardi matin, le muezzin me maintient éveillée. Des hordes de moustiques attendent que je sorte de la moustiquaire pour me vider de mon sang et m'injecter leurs cochonneries. J'ai la trouille de la dengue - je te dis que je dors sous mon moustiquaire, et avec mon anti-bibittes !!!
In Banda Aceh early Tuesday morning, the muezzin keeps me awake up. Hordes of mosquitos wait until I leave the mosquito net to empty me of my blood and to inject me their crap. I 's scared out of my wits of getting (again) the dengue - I tell you, I sleep under my mosquito net, and with my anti-sting!!!
Le lendemain, je quitte Banda car j'ai ete assignée à une mission en solo. Je pars pour Meulaboh (en helicoptere de l'ONU, encore) dans l'Aceh du Sud. Toute seule, cette fois-ci ! Ca m'inquiete et m'excite tout a la fois. Il parait que l'Internet marche bien las-bas. C'est une opportunite pour prendre des photos a vue d'oiseau par contre !
The next day, I left Banda because I have been assigned on a solo mission. I leave for Meulaboh (by helicopter of UNO, again) for South Aceh. All alone, this time! It worries me and excites me all the same time. It appears that the Internet works well there. It's an opportunity for some good skyshots though !
Je suis encore sur decallage horaire - je me leve avant le lever de soleil que j'observe du 2eme etage de la maison depassage. I am still on jetlag, so I wake up before the sunrise which I observe from the 2nd floor of the guesthouse.
Parfois, le Bon Dieu a des manières inattendues d'apaiser un coeur sensible. La beaute du monde est toujours un baume pour mon coeur. Sometimes, Good God has unexpected manners to alleviate a sensitive heart. The beauty of the world is always a balm for my heart.
Arrivee a Meulaboh, je ne suis pas tout a fait atterrie, mais l'est-on jamais? 2 jours a Jakarta, 3 jours a Banda, et maintenant une semaine a Meulaboh... Pas tres stable comme mode de vie...
Arrivee Meulaboh, I am not completely landed, but is one ever? 2 days Jakarta, 3 days in Banda, and now one week in Meulaboh... Not a very stable way of life...
Mais je trouve tranquillement des mecanismes d'adaptation. Je vis en ce moment dans une maison de passage ou les collegues sont tres sympatiques - 2 Philippins et un Croate particulierement me font un peu l'effet d'une famille quand je rentre le soir, apres un long 13 h de travail.... J'ai ete assignee a la verification d'inventaire, une HORREUR de tache qui va me prendre 2 semaines. Pour l'occasion, j'ai ete autorisee a engage 5 manoeuvres indonesiens, on m'a assigne un interprete et on a prolonge mon sejour a Meulaboh.
But I find adaptive mechanisms quickly. I live in this moment in a guesthouse where the colleagues are very pleasant - 2 Filipinos and a Croat particularly have a bit on me the effect of a family when I return there in the evening, after a lengthy 13 hour work-day hour.... I have been assignee to the checking of inventory, a HORROR of job which will take 2 weeks to me. For the occasion, I have been autorized to hire 5 indonesian laborers, an interpreter and my stay in Meulaboh is extended.
La verification d'inventaire ce n'est pas drole surtout dans la chaleur torride et humide de l'Indonesie. Heureusement, le personnel local est tres agreable, et surtout les manoeuvres sont aux anges de travailler avec une "Bulle" (prononce Boulee), rient beaucoup et ont souvent la simplicite de grands enfants. Grace a eux je fais des progres immenses en Bahasa - je sais maintenant compter jusqu'a 10 et formuler des demandes de bases (manger, dormir, se deplacer...)
Checking an inventory is not a fun gig, especially in the torrid and wet heat of Indonesia. Fortunately, the local personnel is very pleasant, and especially the laborers are elated to work with a "Bulle" (pronouncec Boolay), they laugh much and often have the simplicity of big kids. Thanks to them I make immense progress in Bahasa - I can now count until A 10 and formulate requests for bases (to eat, sleep, deplacer...)
C'est difficile de travailler ici. Sur l'echelle mondiale de la corruption (de 0 a 10, ou 10 presente l'absence totalle de corruptio), l'Indonesie est a 2.2. C'est dire que travailler ici est souvent synonime de paranoia... Oui, il fait chaud, oui, les choix culinaires sont limites... mais les couchers de soleils sont magnifiques...
It is difficult to work here. On the world scale of the corruption (of 0 A 10, or 10 represents the totalle absence of corruption), Indonesie is at 2.2. It is to say that to work here often rhymes with paranoia... Yes, the weather is hot, yes, the culinary choices are limiting... but the sunsets are splendid...
Pendant la semaine, je recoit des nouvelles un peu deprimantes. Je n'irai pas au Burundi, mais au Congo (ex-Zaire) a la place. Oh well. Je me depeche de faire les demarches necessaires pour un visa. En ce qui concerne Kinshasa, le changement etait motive par la possible embauche d'un nouvel employe - c'est mieux de commencer avec le Burundi plutot qu'avec la RDC.... Mais cette personne a change d'avis hier et je suis de nouveau assignee au Burundi. Ouf ! Les commentaires de 007 ne m'encourageaient pas a y aller... Toujours l'urgence d'obtenir un visa aupres d'embassade aux regles juridictionnelles strictes: je dois appliquer au Canada et non aux Etats-Unis...
During the week, I receive slightly depressing news. I will not go to Burundi, but in Congo (ex-Zaire) instead. Oh well. I hurry up to make the necessary arrangements for a visa. With regard to Kinshasa, the change was justified by the possible recruiting of a new employee - it's better to start with Burundi rather than with DRC.... But this person changed their opinion yesterday and I am again assigned to Burundi. Ouf! (With 007's feedback I must admit I wasn't too excited to go there...) Again the rush to obtain a visa with the embassy with strict jurisdictional rules: I must apply in Canada and not in the United States...
Ceux qui ont vu les nouvelles savent que maintenant il est interdit de prendre des baggages de cabines a la suite de l'incident de Londres. La joie. Faire ce travail devient de plus en plus difficile. Oh well. Je paierai les extras necessaires, c'est tout. Heureusement les consignes de securites semblent revenir presque a la normale. Heureusement, je ne voyage pas avec du Chanel No. 5 dans mon bagage a main ! Tant que je peux continuer d'utiliser les bagages a main, le reste ne me derange pas trop...
Those who saw the news know that now it is forbidden to take cabin luggages following the incident in London. Joy. To do this work becomes increasingly difficult. Oh well. I will pay extras if necessary, that's all. Fortunately the security regulations seem to return almost to normal. Fortunately, I do not travel with Chanel No 5 in my hand luggage! As long as I can continue to use hand luggage, I don't care much...
Il parait qu'il y a eu un tremblement de terre a Sumatra, mais nous ne l'avons meme pas senti ici. On a appris la nouvelle en meme temps que tout le monde, en ecoutant BBC.... De toutes facons, nous avons des mesures de securite pour ca, et je ne travaille ni ne dors au bord de la plage....
It appears that there was an earthquake on Sumatra, but nobody felt it here. We learned the news at the same time as everyone, on BBC.... Anyways, we have safety measures for that, and I do not work nor do I sleep at the edge of the beach....
D'ailleurs je devrais quitter Meulaboh pour quelques jours pour travailler a Medan (bien enfonce dans les terres) et retourner a Banda pour les 3 dernieres semaines de mon sejour. Il me reste au total 5 semaines a passer en Indonesie, dont 1 1/2 a Meulaboh, 1/2 a Medan, 4 a Banda Aceh et 1 a Jakarta. Je ne crains pas trop pour ma securite mais je suis prudente.
Moreover I should leave Meulaboh for a few days to work in Medan (well inserted inland) and return over to Banda for the 3 last weeks of my stay. I have a total of 5 weeks left in Indonesia, including 1 1/2 in Meulaboh, 1/2 in Medan, 4 in Banda Aceh and 1 in Jakarta. I do not fear too much for my safety but I am careful.
I did take the time to taste some local cuisine, which one calls Padang. An orgy of dishes to which one is expected to help themselves... After the meal, you are presented with the damage. It is good, the service is rapid and especially, there is no problem with a menu which would probably be in bahasa anyway...
On goute aussi au fruit qui pue: le DURIAN. Ouais, n'en parlons pas, du Durian, une HORREUR si vous voulez mon avis. J'ai essaye 2 fois, histoire de prouver aux Indonesiens et aux Philippins present que la blanchette n'etait pas pleutre... mais je le jure sur la tete de tous les gens que j'aime de ne jamais y etre reprise. M'enfin, au moins j'ai essaye...
One should also taste the stinky fruit: the DURIAN. Ouais, let us not speak about it, of Durian, a HORROR if you want my opinion. I tried it 2 times, just to prove the Indonesians and the Filipinos present that the whitey was no wuss... but I swear it on the head of all people whom I love never not to be taken again at this game... Well, at least I tried...
Hier j'ai ete au marche achete un peu de nourriture car nous avions un souper communautaire. Pour la premiere fois, j'ai ete dans un marche public ou on ne vous invective pas tous les 5 secondes. Les vendeurs etaient heureux de poser pour moi et j'ai prise quelques bonne photos dont celle-ci:
Yesterday I went to the Market to buy a little food because we had a Community supper. For the first time, I was in a public market where no-one jumps at you every 5 seconds. The salesmen were happy to pose for me so I took some good photographs, such as this one:
The Beaver
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !
August 14, 2006
Pix !
Click HERE to see the full set.
I also uploaded pictures of a trip I made in July to Toronto:
Click HERE to see the full set.
The Beaver
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !
August 13, 2006
Some news of what is going on in good ol' Aceh
Nevertheless, my word to you is: don't come here unless you really have to.
Picture take from the local news agency : this is what a Canning is.
Source: Rakyat Aceh, Monday 7 August 2006
Rayket Aceh is a local Banda Aceh newspaper.
Raid to a house occupied by NGO
- Suspected of being used as place to do alcohol party.
Banda Aceh, it is suspected that some houses or even offices that are occupied by foreigners from different NGOs in Banda Aceh have become places to hold alcohol parties during the evening.
Not just that, the houses that are occupied by NGOs are also suspected of being places to conduct adultery/immorality.
The assumption of immoral action conducted in the houses that occupied by NGOs was expressed in the meeting of several students from Student Executive Board Faculty (BEM) Syiah Kuala University – the Chairman was Head of Banda Aceh Legislature, Muntasir Hamid and other members, Saturday (5/8).
Chairman Muntasir Hamid mentioned, to the Rakyat Aceh, Sunday (6/8) this assumption was based on information that was received by students from the communities that was addressed to the council office.
Muntasir said, if houses that were occupied by some NGOs are truly become the places for alcohol parties – it should not be allowed to happen as it will contaminate the capital of Verandah of Meccah. Muntasir also asks the ‘law upholders’ to investigate and if necessary take some action against them.
“We did not want the Veranda of Mecca to be contaminated by the presence of NGOs in Banda Aceh as this territory is under the enforcement of Syariah Law” Muntasir said.
So he asked the related Dinas to uphold the Syariah Law and not to gives any tolerance to NGOs that conduct adultery and or beverages party. We will ask in this case, the Dinas of Syariah to do search/raid on houses that are occupied by NGOs especially during the evening. Muntasir said.
He mentioned, if matters like these do not get attention, the students would do direct investigation during the night on the houses that are occupied by NGOs to look for the truth that alcohol parties and immoral actions are really happening.
Separately, Head of Banda Aceh Syariah Natsir Ilyas said, related to the indication of immoral/adultery action he did not receive any objective evidence. However, he really appreciated the input from the students and information given from the community for any violation to Syariah Law.
”We are investigating and if eventually get a strong indication of this violation, his side will mobilize Syariah Police (Waliyatul Hisbah/WH) to put them in order” Natsir said.
Natsir added, to search/raid into houses that are occupy by NGOs, his side must coordinate with police first, Syariah police could not move alone, because we have limitations, he explained.
Natsir also recommended that village heads and Geuchiks monitor, supervise, and inform current Achenese law to those NGOs that occupied houses in their areas. Some time before, public figures in Lambheu, Aceh Besar conducted a raid into an NGO office and found that there was a party, dancing, and alcohol as well, therefore the local community dispersed the party.
Source: Aceh World, July 26 – August 1, 2006
Italian National Arrested for Adultery in Bireuen
AN Italian national (30) who works with an international humanitarian organization in Aceh was arrested by the local shari'a police for committing adultery with his translator, an Acehnese woman, who used to work as his translator. The couple was arrested in a rented house in the village of Desa Pulo Kiton, Subdistrict of Kota Juang in the District of Bireuen.
The local shari'a police received an anonymous report through text messaging about the whereabout of the pair. They were arrested at around midnight. According to local residents, they have been suspicious of the couple who frequently were seen to be together in public and spent long hours in the rented house.
Drs M. Daud Yusuf, the Commander of the Sharia' Police in Bireuen told reporters that his agency immediatelv sent his officers to arrest the couple as soon as he received the text messaging. The Sharia Police broke down the front door and caught them red-handed. They were then taken to the local police station. Both confessed to the offense and explained that they have been romantically involved since November 2005.
The Shari'a Police also confiscated dried ganja leaves, and alcoholic drinks. The Bireuen Police Chief stated that the Italian suspect will be charged with the crime of possession of narcotics under Law No. 22/1970 on narcotics with a maximum penalty of 10 years prison time. The Italian Embassy in Jakarta has been notified about the arrest. The woman suspect will be charged with a violation of the Shari’a law for committing adultery.
The Beaver
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !
August 07, 2006
Aceh at last.....
Banda Aceh, Tuesday August 8th, 2006. 5:17AM
I’ve been in
One thing is for sure. Knowing Bahasa Indonesia is paramount. Even in
This has been a rollercoaster since I left home on Thursday. With the typhoon in
Unfortunately for me, that would not be my only demise throughout my trip. On the last leg to
Which reminds me: friends, please email me your phone numbers. They have been lost in the course of the Lost Razr disaster.
I arrived in
On Sunday I hung out at the nearby shopping center and looked at some local arts and crafts. If I had had the money and the luggage allowance for it, I would have very likely purchased the whole store. Beautiful batiks, kimonos, masks and sculptures, name them, they have them. Unfortunately, limited possibilities confine me to small items. But oh boy is their work beautiful….
Monday morning was the barbaric moment. Up at 3:30 AM to make a 7:AM flight to Banda Aceh. None of us looked prim that morning, aside from our resident gramps, who was ready to do jumping jacks in the vestibule of the hotel.
Amusingly, our team looks like the Fantastic Four pre-superpowers. The guy I will now refer to as Mr. Fantastic earns the title because he is the leader of the group and the one with the biggest brain. (As a bonus, nobody understands what the heck he’s saying at least half the time.) An other guy in the group is hot-tempered but gold-hearted, just as the Thing is, and we have our own resident Johnny Storm/Human Torch in our youngest team member. I guess that makes me Sue Storm, the Girl, the one who needs rescuing. Oh well. It’s not like I don’t need to be rescued anyways.
To make matters worse, 3 of us have blue eyes and light hair, which makes us look related. Strange but convenient I guess, in a pre-feministic society where lone women travelers are not a common sight.
How I mourn for
To make matters interesting, next week I just got assigned to my own solo mission (as the Thing would say, I am being exiled). I am being sent on my own to Meulaboh, where I will be examining their operations on my own for 2 full weeks. I will miss the guys, but this is an occasion to prove myself, and I am not unhappy about that.
After I wrote the better part of this, I went on the terrasse and watched the sunrise.
Sometimes, the Big Dude has unexpected ways of soothing an aching heart. :o)
Anyway, more to come soon,
The BeaverMy guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !
P.S. Friends, please email me your phone numbers. They have been lost in the course of the Lost Razr disaster.
August 03, 2006
On the road again...
In the meantime that I have some of my own, I borrowed a new header (promise not to use it for too long!)
My mum heard on the radio yesterday from a representative of Care Canada that there are over 420,000 people that are still homeless in the aftermath of the 2004 Boxing day Tsunami.
Think about it.
Half a million people have been homeless since December 26th, 2004. It's been 18 months. Wow.
A few other quick facts:
Before the ocean broke loose, Aceh was the site of endless civil war, once again based on religion. Aceh is 2,500km away from Jakarta, the capital. While JKT remained unscathed despite the disasters, all the infrastructure in Aceh has been destroyed, making it very difficult for humanitarian organizations to effectively conduct relief efforts.
To the side, a picture found on the Musicianaries' website.
This time, I can't say I'm leaving home with much enthusiasm. But thinking of the work ahead is keeping me motivated. There is so much to be done... and so little means.
The Beaver
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !