October 31, 2006

Africa and Burundi in Pictures

I uploaded some more pictures for you guys. Here are in order....

Some pictures I took on the way back to Bujumbura. Beautiful landscapes of Ethiopia and Uganda from the plane...

06-10-10 Ethiopia vu du ciel010538

Here is the link to the full set of my Flight over Ethiopia and Uganda


Some pictures I took on the field while working. More specifically, this was a picture taken at a local market while hunting for red beans. I eventually found them but the bag broke at the office. Weeks later, we could still see the trail of red beans from my office to the office of the red bean lover who had requested this purchase !

20-10-06_Ruyigi Market

Follow the link to more pictures from the Field Visits.


Some pictures that reflect the nighlife in Bujumbura, and the weekends at the beach (by Lake Tanganyika). I really had good times in Bujumbura and already miss the lifestyle. This is a picture of the Havannah, a night club I went to regularly. The sign reads "tenue exigee" which can be liberally translated to: CLOTHES REQUIRED !!!! Other such examples are in this set.

Tenue Exigee !!!
Click to see more Fun moments in Buja

The Beaver

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !

October 30, 2006

Dancing Burundi

Hi everyone !

I uploaded a movie of various dance presentations I filmed in Burundi. Enjoy.

I'm now in Port-Au-Prince after a grueling travel of 3 days. More to come soon ! I miss you guys !

October 26, 2006


I'm lame.

I made a promise to give my loyal readers a beautiful update at the latest 3 days ago, but unfortunately, my schedule, work, the suckiness of the bandwidthe available here and my non-cyber life altogether have greatly interfered.

For this, I apologize.

Unfortunately, I must ask my gentle readers to stay patient. I am travelling tomorrow to Haiti, and will not be able to update (again) until another week.

Lame, lame, lame. On the positive side, it's an indication that I actually have a life.

I love you all. I will shortly upload my hundreds of pictures, movies and stories. Just hang on a little longer.

The Beaver

Thanks Caren, for posting on my guestmap! I'll email you shortly !

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !

October 15, 2006

AWOL once again

Hey Everyone.

I've been back in Buja for several days now, but I'm heading out again to the BUSH.

More updates, pics and even videos when I come back to Bujumbura, which I heard today is referred to as the NY of Central Africa. No comment.

I promise a decent update by the end of next week end, I promise !

P.S. 007 formerly in Congo now in DC is B.A.C.K. - I'm SO glad. I was really missing my 007 fix. Do go visit. It's a healthy addiction !

The Beaver

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !

October 12, 2006

How the Beaver went away and back again

Ok, so I've been rather silent recently.

I have an excuse. I was away travelling to see my family.

So anyway, my last weekend in Buja, we celebrated Naya's Birthday by going to dinner, to a fashion show, and watching some traditionnal dancing.

Picture 015

It also involved clubbing until the wee hours of the morning.

The following wednesday, I was flying on Ethiopian Airways through Addis Ababa to France where I was to meet my family. The plane first stopped in Kigali, though, and I had the chance to take some superb airshots of Rwanda, the land of the 1000 hills.

Rwanda by air

After a long flight in Business class (I never do this - but then I truely needed to splurge), I got to my aunt's house. I want to take 2 seconds and pay hommage to it because it was the last time I saw the house, and though I didn't live there, I feel like part of my roots have gone with it being sold. So here it is, my home away from home:

Auntie's house

The following days were spent catching up with the family and hanging out. On Saturday, I took a road trip with my cousins to go the place where the celebrations were held, in Silly-en-Gouffern (I know, it ressembles "Silly, I'm goofing!" - but what can I say, it's the name of the place.) Along the way, I enjoyed some wonderful french landscapes.

Road Trippin'

Of course, we also had the inevitable "we're lost and we're late moment". Although my cousins were getting all racked up, I though it was really hilarious.

Vivent les cartes!

We finally made it and I had the pleasure of spending a night of partying, eating, and singing with my aunts and uncles, most of whom I had not seen in years. This really did me good to feel the family connection. It was nice to see those familiar faces, and to feel that affection. I like my french family. And of course, there was the cake !

La Piere Montee

Well, more to come soon, but for now... da da da that's all folks !

Full photoset can be viewed here.

The Beaver

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !

October 02, 2006

10 000 ! - and the low-down on Bujumbura

Last night, my hit counter went over the edge of 10,000 visits !

Thanks everybody.

Ok - about Burundi (I have SOOOO much stuff to do. I should TOTALLY be working right now.)

It's a nice country. I like the Burundians. It's green. Food is good. Potential for partying is exponential compared to Aceh.

When I arrived at the hotel, I settled down in my 2-star bedroom like it was the Ritz-Carlton. What I like best about my room is the view outside on the beautiful flamboyant tree:

Flamboyant tree

We had dinner that night and even had a dancing session. It hit me then that all the Nasi Goreng I fed on in Aceh had taken up residence in my tummy and my hips. So green salad and exercise it is for me. This is getting ridiculous. Looking fabulous will be a nice bonus.

On my second day (a Saturday), my friend/colleague and I went to Club Tanganyika, by the namesake lake - we could see the congolese mountains looming over us.

View of Bujumbura and Lake Tanganyika

The week was spent working hard on budget analysises, getting to know the staff and figuring out my surroundings. There were several pleasant dinners at various restaurants, during which I held my word and had salads and green stuff. One of the restaurants that really struck me with gorgeous vegetation and actual wildlife roaming around (only birdies though) was the Flamboyant.

Grue couronnee au Flamboyant

We had another wild night of clubbing this last weekend as it was my friend's birthday. Boy. It's nice to be able to have a bit of fun - at least i'm not going totally wonkers with boredom.

Click here for the entire photoset of pics from Burundi.

In a few days I'll be going to France to attend a family event before I get back to BUJ and work like a madwoman again. This is getting pretty hectic, and it's great. I would not want to be less busy.

The Beaver

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !