Some pictures I took on the way back to Bujumbura. Beautiful landscapes of Ethiopia and Uganda from the plane...
Here is the link to the full set of my Flight over Ethiopia and Uganda
Some pictures I took on the field while working. More specifically, this was a picture taken at a local market while hunting for red beans. I eventually found them but the bag broke at the office. Weeks later, we could still see the trail of red beans from my office to the office of the red bean lover who had requested this purchase !
Follow the link to more pictures from the Field Visits.
Some pictures that reflect the nighlife in Bujumbura, and the weekends at the beach (by Lake Tanganyika). I really had good times in Bujumbura and already miss the lifestyle. This is a picture of the Havannah, a night club I went to regularly. The sign reads "tenue exigee" which can be liberally translated to: CLOTHES REQUIRED !!!! Other such examples are in this set.
Click to see more Fun moments in Buja
The Beaver
My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !