November 29, 2005

Orphelins.... Orphans....

Originally uploaded by The Travelling Beaver.

These kids performing the traditionnal Zulu dance, have been orphanned by HIV Aids and live in difficult conditions. Thanks to community projects, though, they manage to be in foster homes, and to have the support necessary to keep on striving... and dancing. The need, however, is much greater than the available resources.

Ces jeunes qui dansent la danse traditionnelle Zoulou, sont des orphelins du SIDA et vivent dans des conditions tres difficiles. Grace a des projets communautaires, ils sont (parfois) accueillis dans des foyers et obtiennent le support necessaire pour continuer a lutter... et a danser. Le besoin, par ailleurs, reste beaucoup superieur aux ressources disponibles.

The Beaver
My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !


Salt Water said...

Are there any Internationally recognized help organizations working with the orphans? Do you have a recommendation? The hardships you see must be painful.

Salt Water said...

I see your comment moderator is on. If my posts are out of line, could you please send me an email from my profile and let me know. I am not being intentionally weird, nor am I trying to pressure you. I blog and comment often, so I would very much like to know if I am over stepping unwritten rules, or simply bothering people. I have seen people do this, and I would not want to do that. Thanks. If I have been a problem please forgive me. I am assuming you received my comments and they were blocked. I add this in case my server is causing some problem. Be well, Oh Great One.