To travel from the airport to the city of Freetown, one must take the helicopter (can you see a pattern here ?). Lucky for me, the chopper ride coincided with the sunset. That, my friends, is a great beginning for my 3 week stay in SL !!! For more pictures of SL from the sky at sunset, Click here.
Pour aller de l'aeroport a la ville de Freetown, on doit prendre l'helicoptere (theme recurrent, apparemment, en ce debut d'annee 2006). J'ai eu beaucoup de chance: mon tour d'helico coincidait avec le coucher de soleil. Mes amis, ca promet!!! Pour plus de prises aeriennes du SL from the sky au coucher du soleil, Clickez ici.
DSCN03282006-02-19_14-04-39, originally uploaded by The Travelling Beaver.
"This will be my second trip to S/L. I was there just over a year ago. I have many plans to visit some friends there and you are welcome to join me. Last January I went with a group to help construct a recording studio in a school for the blind and paint some buildings at an elder care center. I'm under strict orders to revisit those places (plus I just plain want to) and take pictures of the completed recording studio. Also, there's a girl in a nearby village whose leg was amputated in the war. Some women from the US send money to support her and help with medical bills, and they would like photographs of her. Then there are the kids at the children's home and the residents at the elder care center and a guy who helped us paint that I want to see. If any of this sounds interesting to you, or if you are just plain bored and want something to do, you're welcome to come."
Seems like this is going to be an interesting visit!
Voici l'invitation de ma collegue avec qui je vais au Sierra Leone:
"ce sera mon deuxième voyage au Sierra Leone. J'y étais il y a tout juste une année. J'ai beaucoup de plans de visites à des amis là et tu est la bienvenue si tu veux te joindre a moi. Janvier passé je suis allée avec un groupe pour aider à construire un studio d'enregistrement dans une école pour aveugles et peindre quelques bâtiments dans un centre de soin pour personnes agees. Je suis sous ordres stricts de revisiter ces endroits (sans compter que je veux y aller) et de prendre des photos du studio d'enregistrement réalisé. En outre, il y a une fille dans un village voisin dont la jambe a été amputée pendant la guerre. Quelques dames americaines envoient de l'argent pour la soutenir et pour aider avec les factures médicales, et elles voudraient des photographies d'elle. Alors il y a les gamins des maisons d'enfants et les résidants du centre de soin pour anciens et le gars qui nous ont aidés à peindre que je veux revoir. Si ceci te semble intéressant, ou si tu t'ennuie et que tu veux quelque chose a faire, tu es la bienvenue."
Ca promet d'etre interessant !
The Beaver
My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !
So you're in SL now :)
I wish I'd travel alot too and helped people, see the world 'n stuff :)
Hope ya hoave loads and loads of fun while you're there!
AWESOME! Please take lots of pictures and keep us up to date. It's wonderful to be going with you.
P.S. the words I picked were accurate. ;o)
Thomas, it's great to meet you. If you have an interest in travel and development work, you're welcome to post some questions. I may be slow in answering them sometimes because of Internet limitations, but I'll do my very best.
Saur, I always take loads of pictures. I have some cool plans for the week end that may lead to interesting picture taking. ;o)
K-Girl, You're right, maybe that's why I'm a sunset junky... I love to leave the office a 6 and arrive ontime to see the sunset from my balcony... on the lagoon. Will post more sunsets up soon ;o)
Thanks for sticking around guys !
Wow, that really looks beautiful. I know so little about Sierra Lione!
Thanks for posting on my guestmap :) If not for you, it'd be so tiny and lonely...
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