July 23, 2006

Horror and Shame

Below is my personal take in a discussion that has been going on here.

Steven Harper, our conservative prime minister, newly elected in December 05, has been brown nosing with Dubya ever since. With now confirmed rumors that the US are participating in the Israeli attack plan, more and more canadians feel that Harper has broken the image of neutrality and tolerance that Canada usually has across the world.

Moreoever, his evacuation plan moves at snail pace, and he has NOT taken action since some Lebenase-born Canadian citizens have been killed in the attacks.

There are rumors that we will go in election mode again in the fall to get rid of this useless politician, and Canadians are down in the street to express their discontent.

My word is this: if your government is supporting the Israeli attack, go in the street and support the protest efforts.

If you are an American citizen, consider your options. The Democrats are not disapproving the Republican support to Israel, which I guess means a third road is starting to be PARAMOUNT.

As far as I'm concerned, if Canada remains conservative, it's likely that I will join the soveignist cause in Quebec or move to France. I have no interest in being affiliated with Harper's support to the massacre of innocents.

The Beaver

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !

July 13, 2006

Today is a black day

Mourning, by Wayne Forte

I don't have too much time to post, but I found that Wikipedia's entry about the Israeli-Lebanon crisis is pretty exhaustive.

Here's the link. Great if, like me, you've been slightly disconnected from international current events. This is a controversial subject, so do visit the discussion tab on the page as well.

Wikipedia's crisis article

I'm still trying to wrap my head around this, so I will reserve my opinion for now.

The Beaver

July 11, 2006

Ode to patriotism (or not)

Congratulations, my Italian friends. Be gracious in your victory. Sports are only a hobby, an athletic and noble one, at that. Be happy, spread the joy, and respect your defeated adversary.

I witnessed the festivities in Little Italy on Sunday. Pictures are here. I do want to stress that the celebration, was loud but safe, and the joy, contagious.

Proud GrandPa

Let me put it this way. I am not patriotic. Nevertheless, this happy supporter made me smile. I was happy for the Azzuris, even though I am probably the most un-patriotic and biggest Fussball ignoramous.

But then there's this. Maybe it's me. Maybe it's them. But when I see this, my brain freezes. I just can't understand it.

Thank God, we were born Italian.

I've been on all continents, visited endless countries. Thank GOD they ALL exist. Thank GOD they're all different.

I am happy to come from a society where one can retain and feed their roots, leaving exentricities and differences grow into a beautiful and unique patchwork.

At the same time, superiorism will always leave me icy and worried.

Thank God, most soccer fans are more like my happy gramps and less like our arrogant youths.

The Beaver

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !

July 04, 2006

Beep beep !!!

By the way, this weekend was Canada Day, on July 1st. The Library Bitch wrote a wonderful blog entry about this obscure holiday which I don't really celebrate, as it is, in Quebec, the official moving day. Nevertheless, I am Canadian and want to wish a belated happy Canada day to all my compatriots.

Monday was also the 4th of July, so Happy independance day to any American visitors. My buddy Saur wrote good wishes which I will extend to you through this blog.


I have never been much of a soccer / fussball fan. But being in Montreal (of all places) where there are italian, portugese, french, brazilian, greek and german diasporas is making this otherwise uninteresting event very real to me, as CQFD's appartment is right at the heart of the italian/portugese neighboorhood, otherwise known as Little Italy.

So my quietness is periodically invaded by waves of honking and more important by face-painted, flag-bearing supporters who feel it necessary to scream their victory at the top of their lungs. And don't forget the whistles !

But is it really their victory? Is it something worth embarassing yourself publicly ? Supporters don't really ACHEIVE anything, do they? The team they cheer so avidly for is unaware of their existence. The World cup hasn't even been won, for heaven's sake !

This being said, if you are for Italy, congratulations. If you're not, my sympathies. Personnally, I couldn't care less. Just, please, be happy, or sad, without producing decibels under my window.


So what have I been up to since I've been back on my feet ? Not much really. I still sleep 12 hours a night as a rule. I nevertheless have started going out and seeing friends, and have recently enjoyed a lot of sushi at Kaede's (2073, St-Denis), (hmmm sushi). Kaede is a new Japanese restaurant in downtown Montreal. The business is japanese owned, japanese-managed, cooked and served. This is possibly the best (and cheapest) sushi I have EVER eaten.

There is this particular sushi called Osaka, which involves smoked salmon, shrimp, avogado and in which the nori algae is replaced by soybean foil. When I eat it, I feel what I can only describe as a mouth orgasm. Even burping feels good after you eat this sushi. Hours after you leave the restaurant, your mouth suddenly remembers its taste, and you get a second sushi-gasm. Even the word Sushi itself carries the delicate nuances of the dish.

I think by the way that Sushi is now my favorite food. I could probably eat it every day and not tire of it. Maybe I should move to Japan or something.

Anyway, I also went to a few movies (including X3 and Superman returns) - which I have nothing interesting to say about - and more importantly, I've been reading a heck of a lot.

I read, for example, Life of Hunger (La biographie de la faim) and Acide Sulfurique by Amelie Nothomb. Did you know that she almost got the Goncourt? I'm also in the process of reading a brick written by a french canadian lady, La femme de la Fontaine. It's quite taking and will be worth a review when I've gone through its 450 pages. Unfortunately, nobody has yet had the courage to translate it....

I also spend ridiculous amounts of time at the Great Library and periodically clean up the appartment, a task CQFD would do only twice a year in my absence.

I see friends and attend the wonderful Montreal Jazz Festival.

I'm also learning Indonesian for my next mission which is now in less than 4 weeks. I'm happy to be home and to have an extended stay, but I already feel my heart, yearning for the adventure !

The Beaver

Thank you Der Hadji in Afdirtistan for posting on my guestmap ! My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!

Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !