January 31, 2009

Lazy tweets

  • 12:35 Slept all afternoon yesterday - feeling better. Today is study day. Off to the library to meet my partner. Readings are a bit late. *Sigh*
  • 12:54 It's snowing again. What the hell, weather?
  • 17:32 Had a good study session - but still feeling beat. No plans for the weekend - I'm not really complaining. Have a lot to read, too.
  • 19:28 Chillaxing with The God Of Small Things by Arundati Roy. It's a fascinating novel. Also, my back hurts.
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January 30, 2009

Lazy tweets

  • 12:22 Having lunch with Paula after the lecture. I rocked the class.
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January 29, 2009

Manual Tweets

Because LoudTwitter failed.

  • Gah, this essay took forever due to lack of synthetic skillz. But at long last it is done. Huzzah! 2 days ago     
  • Woke up late - but still on time to go to class. Today is essay remittance day - and there's the Proto-French. Didn't read for that one. Ow. 2 days ago 
  • Okay, off to class. I have about 1h to read Proto-French before the lecture. Yes, I can. It's only 20p, right, right? *facepalm* 2 days ago 
  • Working on making interfaces talk to each other, ha! 2 days ago 
  • Survived the storm. Back to my window at the library. Just realized that I lecture tomorrow on philosophy. This is wow. 2 days ago 
  • Louis 16 disait: le roé c'est moé! Also, everyone is a viking! 1 day ago 
  • Damn you, snow! You have deprived me of my wit! 1 day ago 
  • Prof liked the questions that work with my essay. I is happy. Hopefully the essay will go over well. To tired to work in Diderot. Tomorrow. 1 day ago 
  • Mum came home from theater. She's in a good mood. Premiere is tomorrow. It will rock. 1 day ago 

January 28, 2009

Lazy tweets

  • 08:10 So, first tweet ever! In the bus to uni, i'm late. What else is new? 
  • 17:13 Just got home from uni - and very excited. My essay is well underway, and my professor seems interested in my thesis idea! Life is good. 
  • 18:18 Dinner was good - couscous, yum! With discussion about the war of 100 years and the various degrees of norsification on the English Isles. 
  • 21:24 Also, saw Pride and Prejudice with Matthew Macfadyen as Darcy. Just a bit in love. Not a lot. Knowing the story was a woman's work helps. 
  • 22:42 gah, slaving on a very short essay. why is this so painful? Oh, right. I want to say a million things and I can only say two. Urgh. 
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January 27, 2009


In case anyone was wondering, I'm still alive - and I am rather engrossed in my new job - that is, to be a full time student in Bilingual Studies.  

Because I am horrible at posting, I'm going to try something new. 

That is, I'm starting to use Twitter. Updates will be posted here as well.

Apologies for such long silences.