April 05, 2009

Updates and some ramblings

More essays. I turned in two out of the four essays 
I listed in my last post.  The subjects changed quite drastically, thou
gh.So far, I produced: 
  • Madness in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway, analyzed in conjunction with Herbert Marcuse's application of psychoanalysis to society, in Eros and Civilization ;
  • An analysis of Arab Feminism as portrayed in Nawal El-Saadawi's Woman at Point Zero and Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis.

I yet have to produce : 
  • A study of the mutual influences of the French and English languages one on another.
  • A lexicographic analysis of one English word, with a cross-cutting stury of how Woolf (yes, Virginia, again) used it.
I've been having good weekends, lately.  In short because I don't have a million years to discuss them... 

I attended La nuit de la philosophie two weeks ago with a friend from university. It was wonderfully stimulating, and of course, I was kind of dead: it is 24 hours of intense conference attendance and philosophical reflection, after all. But it was great.  

Last I had a dinner party with Kiki and her family, which is always fun! I also went to two musical shows: Sherazade les mille et une nuits and Starmania Opera.  While the former was
 only good for someone who didn't understand the very dreadful lyrics (which I did), the latter was wonderful and heart-breaking.  I'm including an extract of Starmania below: 

And yesterday I was over at friend's house to help with a move - today, I'm going to the Cabane à sucre with a bunch of friends.  Basically, the idea is to stuff one's face with maple products: it's spring, it's the season in which maple syrup is prepared, it makes sense.

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