The Y is located on one of the beautiful and effervescent streets of Montreal : Cresent street.

So on my dinner break, I'm having a sandwich on the terrasse and I notice a familiar face having a beer at the terrasse across the street. Turns out, this was one of my fellow students, and someone I hadn't seen in 9 months as he left for the Hague on an intership 3 months before I left for Dakar. Long talks and catch up ensued, with the promise of organizing an outing with other fellow students. I love bumping into people I know !
"Work" being finished, I pick up Honey and we make our way to the Old Port of Montreal. This area is always full of people in the summer, tourists and montrealers alike, because the historical buildings and pavements are so beautiful. It's really like another world apart from the rest of the city.

I consider myself blessed, because I worked and studied in this area for years. As an attorney, my profession requires me to go there regularly anyways, since the house of the bar association and the court house are in Old Montreal.
After along walk on the old stones of the historical quarter,

We settled to have dinner on Place Jacques-Cartier :

We have a wonderful, stimulating and stimulated conversation over, respectively, veal liver con porto and pasta carbonara. I did't regret being daring with the liver as it was excellent ! (Congratulations to the Merville's chef!) We have gone to this restaurant quite a few times, so we actually recognized our waitress, a charming lady from New-Brunswick with a delightful acadian accent. The weather has been beautifull all day, but by the end of the evening, a thunderstorm broke out, spashing everything and everyone, so we finished the evening in the classy dining room of the restaurant.
Hey girl, greaaat pictures. If you end up bumping into my sister in the street, tell her I miss her ;)
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