December 23, 2005

Season's greetings / Voeux saisonniers

Isn't he cute? He probably feels as lost as I do. Cricketina, Library Bitch and007 in Africapointed it out quite well: in this day and age, it's a real problem to figure out what to wish at large during the holiday season.

I feel pretty much the same way as this dog: what mess am I getting myself into by posting holiday greeting ? So here it is:

May this time of year bring you joy, love, hope, wealth and health. May you spend this special day (every day is special) with you loved ones.

N'est-ce pas qu'il est mignon? Il se sent probablement aussi perdu que moi. Cricketina, Library Bitch et 007 in Africa l'ont bien dit: a l'ere du politiquement correct, c'est tout un probleme de determiner quel souhait on peut dire a un public pendant la saison des fetes.

Je m'identifie donc au chien: dans quoi est-ce que je vais m'empetrer en publiant des voeux saisonniers? Enfin, les voila :

Que cette periode de l'annee vous apporte joie, amour, espoir, richesses et sante. Je vous souhaite de passer cette journee speciale (toutes les journees sont speciales) avec vos proches.

The Beaver

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !


Linda Jones Malonson said...

Thank you Beaver, the same to you. Also, don't worry about what others think ... you do what you please. I appreicate a day where folks are showing more love, hell we need it!

Saur♥Kraut said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours!