Je realise que je n'ai pas mis mon blog a jour depuis mon depart du Lesotho... desolee tout le monde.
I realize I havent updated my blog at all since I left Lesotho... Sorry guys.
A mon retour a Jo-Burg, Ze Big Boss etait la pour assister a la conference de sortie, ainsi que plein d'Autrez Big Bossez, et ca m'a tenue pas mal occupee. La conference de sortie a duree 4 jours intenses. Heureusement, a la fin, tout le monde a trouve un terrain d'entente. Pas besoin de le mentionner, c'etait audela de toute fatigue. (Nouveaux lecteurs, voyez l'entree concernant le boulot de Castor).
Upon my return to Jo-Burg, Ze Big Boss was there to attend the exit conference and so were plenty of Ozer Big Bossez, so that kept me pretty busy. The exit conference lasted 4 intense days. Luckily, in the end, everybody came to an agreement. No need to mention, it was BEYOND exhausting. (New readers, see the Beaver Job post).
Enfin, apres 4 jours de negociations intenses, mon Chef est rentre chez lui. Le lendemain, mes collegues et Ze Big Boss sont partis aussi, me laissant seule a m'ennuyer de mon cheu nous et de mes amis, juste quelques jours avant le conge de Noel.
Anyway, after 4 days of intense negociations, my Coach left for home. The next day, my colleagues and Ze Big Boss left too, so I was left alone to miss home and friends, just a few days from Christmas break.
Vendredi dernier, j'ai donc pris l'avion de Jo-burg a Paris et suis arrivee a Paris a 6 HEURES LE MATIN. Heureusement, j'ai reussi a dormir dans l'avion pendant le vol de 11 heures, et j'etais toute eveillee a mon arrivee a Paris. Ma tante et mon oncle sont venus me chercher a l'aeroport et j'ai eu la chance de prendre une douche (ahhhh), de dejeuner et meme de faire une petite sceance de magasinage avec ma tante avant de repartir encore, le meme jour, sur Montreal. Dommage que je n'ai pas eu la chance de passer un weekend a Paris comme la derniere fois.
Last Friday, I flew from Jo-Burg to Paris and landed there a 6 IN THE MORNING. Luckily, I slept in the plane during the 11 hour flight, and was wide awake upon my arrival in Paris. My aunt and uncle picked me up at the airport and I got the chance to take a shower (ahhhh - releif), have lunch and a quick shopping session with my auntie before I flew out again, the same day, to Montreal. Too bad that I didn't have a chance to spend a weekend in Paris like last time.
Le vol sur Montreal s'est bien passe, malgre le fait que mon ecran personnel ne fonctionnait pas. Alors j'ai passer 7 heures a lire, parler avec mon voision (coincidence, c'est un travailleur de l'humanitaire qui rentre chez lui de Guinee). The flight to Montreal was ok, though my personnal screen did not work. So I spent 7 hours reading, talking with my neighbour (who, coincidentally, was also a humanitarian worker flying home from Guinea).
A 6h le soir, Samedi, ma maman m'attendait a l'aeroport, avec un beau grand sourire, un calin chaleureux, et.... des bottes et un manteau d'hiver. (Arf - la perfection n'est pas de ce monde, n'est-pas?) At 6PM, on Saturday, my mum was waiting for me at the airport, with a big smile, a warm hug, and... some boots and winter coat. (Arf - nothing is ever perfect, is it?)
Je me suis installee chez ma maman et on a passe la soiree a jaser. J'aurais du voir Dave (voyez aussi ceci) ce soir la, mais j'etair AU DELA d'epuisee et on a remis ca au le lendemain. I settled down at my mum's place and spent the evening chatting and catching up. I should have seen that Dave (also see this) that night, but I was BEYOND exhausted and managed to reschedule for the next day.
Alors Dimanche, je suis allee voir Dave et je l'ai trouve plus beau, plus chaleureux, plus sexy que jamais. Pendant mon absence, il ne s'est pas coupe les cheuveux du tout, et maintenant il a l'allure d'un poete du 19eme. Apparemment, c'est suffisant pour qu'il s'attire des commentaire de son patron come "beaucoup de vent aujkourdh'hui, hein?" So on Sunday I went over to Dave's and found his handsomer, warmer, sexier than ever. While I was gone, he did not cut his hair at all, and he now looks like a 19th century poet. Apparently, that's enough for him to receive comments from his coach such as "lots of wind today, huh?"
Alors en ce moment, je partage mon temps entre Dave et ma maman. Techniquement, je suis installee chez ma mere pour ce qui est des bagages, mais je parasite l'appart de Dave depuis 4 jours. J'ai appele mes amis, et j'en ai vu certains. J'ai attrape un rhume(duh). So I'm now sharing my time between Dave and my mum. I'm technically settled at my mum's for luggage (remember Big Ben?) but have been squatting Dave's place for the last 4 days. I called my friends and saw some of them. I caught a cold (duh).
Je pense que maintenant, je suis vraiment de retour a la maison !!!
I guess I'm truely home now!!!
The Beaver

Thanks, Anya, for dropping by !!! Look forward to reading you again!!!
My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !
1 comment:
Good to get an update! Paris ... oh how I love to see the place, even in my dreams it's wonderful. Glad to see you back safe and sound Beaver ... and wrapped up in Dave's arms will keep you real warm.
You have been missed, and you are loved by this old one. Merry Christmas to you and your love ones.
Kiss your Mum for me .. and tell Dave to handle his business!
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