January 20, 2006

Conseils Maternels / Motherly Advice

"Je te souhaite la meilleure adaptation possible, plein de courage et la sagesse de te rappeler que notre système digestif peut devenir fragile dans certains coins de notre planète terre.......Attention aux épices de ce grand pays , qui agressent sans aucune retenue nos pauvres estomacs et intestins occidentaux et chrétiens........ "

"Merci pour les recommendations sur les epices. J'ai deja reduit la quantite de bouffe locale que j'avale. Mon collegue a un estomac en beton, ce qui n'arrange pas les choses car il raffole de la bouffe locale. J'apprecie sa compagnie mais si ca continue je vais manger seule de temps en temps... Blague a part, il y a des restos occidentaux dans le coin. Je m'en tire deja mieux."


"I wish you the best possible adaptation, lots of courage and the wisdom to remember that our digestive system can become fragile in certain corners of our planet ...... Watch out for the spices of this large country, which attack without any reserve our poor Western Christians stomachs and intestines ........"

"Thank you for the recommendations on spices. I have already reduced the quantity of local food that I swallow. My colleague has a concrete stomach, which does not arrange the things because he adores this local food. I apprecie his company but if this keeps up I will have to eat alone from time to time... But enough joking around, there are Western restaurants around. I feel already better."



juliana said...

Ohh, your mommmy loves you. It is a bit surprising to me that she speaks more of the spices. I dunno but, I think an American mother would say, "Be careful of all the terrorists and muslims"

Saur♥Kraut said...

Mmmmmmm. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I never understood people who travelled and ate at McDonalds.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, I know. Much as I loooove to eat local food, most times my tummy rebels in a big way :(

Tina said...

As good as new foods can taste, I have to say I do understand the need for McDonalds from time to time. When I was in the Dominican Republic, my house mate and I CRAVED Pizza Hut. Mind you I never eat Pizza Hut in the States..must have been something missing from my diet that was somehow present in Pizza Hut.

Good luck with the food thing. Don't eat anything too scarey, but do try some stuff!!

Beaver said...

Juliana, yeah, but my mum's french... I guess that's why ;) She also knows what she's talking about. She had an interesting (and slightly painful) culinary experience in Nepal.

Saur, I hate McDonald's. But I do appreciate some comfort food once in a while. Keep in mind that I am home 5 weeks a year, away from home and friends. Sometimes, familiar food is all you have. But I hear you - if this was a 2 week stint I wouldn't even consider western foods.

Vick, Tina, at last, someone who understands! Thansk for sticking around!