January 20, 2006

Sun Rising in Islamabad, Lever de soleil

If Baghdad and Islamabad sound alike, I presume they are rather different at least in climate: Islamabad is fresh, green, surrounded by mountains. It is the country of the mountain dwellers: not astonishing that yoghourt is a popular accompaniment.

Certain buildings on the other hand seem to appear straight of the tales of Sherehazade: turns, minarets, Gothic windows are mixed with more modern buildings and houses of Arab style, such as those one could see in Dakar.

Every morning I wake up to the sound of the Muezzin calling to prayer Islamabad's fidels. I watch the sunrise on Islamabad and start my day.

Si Baghdad et Islamabad riment, je presume que les 2 villes sont plutot differentes du moins en climat: Islamabad est fraiche, verte, entouree de montagnes. C'est le pays des montagnards: pas etonnant que le yaourt soit un accompagnement tres prise.

Certains immeubles par contre me paraissent tout droit sorti des contes de Sherehazade: des tours, des minarets, des meurtrieres gothiques se melangent aux immeubles plus modernes et aux maisons de style arabes, comme celle qu'on pouvait voir a Dakar.

Tous les matins, je me reveille au son du Muezzin appelant a la priere les fideles d'Islamabad. Je contemple le lever de soleil sur Islamabad et je commence ma journee.

The Beaver
My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !


Anonymous said...

Hi Marie!
I bet waking up with the sound of the Muezzin in Islamabad is much nicer than doing the same with that in Dakar... at least the view looks better...

007 in Africa said...

Hey Beaver,

Since you are such a blogging expert, can you explain what tagging is and what the rules of etiquette for tagging are?

Thanks for the info!

Saur♥Kraut said...

Hon, I've been meaning to ask you: what is it that you do, exactly? Great pic, by the way! Thanks for sharing these little insights.

Tina said...

Beautiful pic!! Hope you're enjoying your travels!

Beaver said...

Gemma, yeah, the view is pretty cool in the morning (though it's pretty bleak the rest of the time). With jetlag slowly fading, I've been missing the sunsets recently. Shame. :(

007, I will shorly make the subject of an entry... juste pour toi ma cherie :)

Saur, I have put up a perma-link to a post I wrote about my job some months ago,
here it is!

Tina, sure am! Hang in there !

Anjamon said...

OOOO!!! That picture is soooo beautiful! I see you're having good time and I hope you will have much good time more! I wish I was there, with you! Sorry for not reveiwing, I'm really ashamm! :'( I had little computer this day. I hope I'll have time to spent it more from now on! Send ya many kissies honey!!!!

and Chcolate,
from your friend Anya!!!

Anjamon said...
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