February 09, 2009

Tweets for Today

  • 09:46 Up again and ready for the new week. Studying Roy and Foucault today, and also preparing for the quiz on Faulkner. Doesn't feel very Beavery
  • 12:07 "rather than massive censorship, a regulated and polymorphous incitement to discourse."michel foucault, on the matter of sexuality in mo ...
  • 12:13 Disquieting enigma. What an intriguing syntagm.
  • 17:46 Coffee with Willy - awesome to laugh over chai and to speculate about the class's attitude. Srsly, why are people so quiet about sex?
  • 18:24 For context: why are people so quiet about sex... ~in a class about Sexuality~ . Damn it.
  • 19:09 Randomly, I love Creme brulee.
  • 00:10 Also, "A Rose for Emily" is the creepiest short story I've ever read. Ever.
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