January 30, 2006

Microclimat(e) a (in) Islamabad

We had dinner in ISB with some Kenyan friends, and definitely got the party going :P
For a whole evening, I forgot I was in Pakistan, and found my self instead having a typically Kenyan dinner and party !

Nous avons ete invites a souper a Islamabad chez des amis Kenyans, et ca a ete tout un party :P Pour une soiree entiere, j'ai oublie que j'etais au Pakistan, et me suis trouvee en train d'avoir un souper et une fete typiquement Kenyans !

The Beaver
My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !

January 26, 2006

Murrey Mountains

Clickez sur la photo ci-dessus pour voir la collection complete!
Click on the above picture to link to the entire picture collection!

On the road to the Murrey Mountain range (1h from Islamabad) .... Sur la route, vers les Montagnes Murrey (1h d'Islamabad)

Pakistani truck, originally uploaded by The Travelling Beaver.

This is... an emergency relief truck! Pretty nifty, huh?

Un camion faisant partie de l'effort d'urgence... Cool, hein!

A pakistani version of the Ndiaga NDiaye in Senegal... with a lot of colors and detail. These buses, no matter how hazardous they may be, are definitely works of art.

Version pakistanaise du Car Rapide Senegalais... tres coloree et detaillee. Peu importe qu'ils soient un danger public, tant qu'ils restent des oeuvres d'art!

Murrey Mountains, originally uploaded by The Travelling Beaver.

This is just an example of the incredible beauty of Pakistan. On Sunday, I went to the Murrey mountain range with some colleagues to visit the outskirts of Islamabad.

Voila un example de l'incroyable beaute du Pakistan. Dimanche, je suis allee dans les montagnes Murrey avec des collegues pour visiter les alentours d'Islamabad.

What was amusing was that some locals acyually kept on insisting on taking pictures with me, whereas in other countries if you take pictures of locals/with locals you're sure to incur a stiff fee.

Un des aspects amusants est que plusieurs touristes locaux ont insite pour prendre des photos avec moi, alors que dans d'autres pays prendre des photos avec des nationaux peut couter une fortune.

We also had a great time snow-fighting and reconnecting with our inner kid, while local kids were totally gawking at us :)

On a aussi eu beaucoup de plaisir a se lancer des boules de neiges et a renouer avec nous l'enfant en nous, sous le regard curieux et surpris des enfants du coin :)

We were kinda cold in the end (I mean, c'mon, it is 5deg below Zero !!!) that we had coffee in a street shop before heading back out to Islamabad (ISB for friends).

On avait un peu froid a la fin (il faisait quand meme -5 ) et on a pris un bon cafe au bord de la rue avant de retourner a Islamabad (ISB pour les intimes!)

The Beaver
My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !

January 20, 2006

Sun Rising in Islamabad, Lever de soleil

If Baghdad and Islamabad sound alike, I presume they are rather different at least in climate: Islamabad is fresh, green, surrounded by mountains. It is the country of the mountain dwellers: not astonishing that yoghourt is a popular accompaniment.

Certain buildings on the other hand seem to appear straight of the tales of Sherehazade: turns, minarets, Gothic windows are mixed with more modern buildings and houses of Arab style, such as those one could see in Dakar.

Every morning I wake up to the sound of the Muezzin calling to prayer Islamabad's fidels. I watch the sunrise on Islamabad and start my day.

Si Baghdad et Islamabad riment, je presume que les 2 villes sont plutot differentes du moins en climat: Islamabad est fraiche, verte, entouree de montagnes. C'est le pays des montagnards: pas etonnant que le yaourt soit un accompagnement tres prise.

Certains immeubles par contre me paraissent tout droit sorti des contes de Sherehazade: des tours, des minarets, des meurtrieres gothiques se melangent aux immeubles plus modernes et aux maisons de style arabes, comme celle qu'on pouvait voir a Dakar.

Tous les matins, je me reveille au son du Muezzin appelant a la priere les fideles d'Islamabad. Je contemple le lever de soleil sur Islamabad et je commence ma journee.

The Beaver
My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !

Conseils Maternels / Motherly Advice

"Je te souhaite la meilleure adaptation possible, plein de courage et la sagesse de te rappeler que notre système digestif peut devenir fragile dans certains coins de notre planète terre.......Attention aux épices de ce grand pays , qui agressent sans aucune retenue nos pauvres estomacs et intestins occidentaux et chrétiens........ "

"Merci pour les recommendations sur les epices. J'ai deja reduit la quantite de bouffe locale que j'avale. Mon collegue a un estomac en beton, ce qui n'arrange pas les choses car il raffole de la bouffe locale. J'apprecie sa compagnie mais si ca continue je vais manger seule de temps en temps... Blague a part, il y a des restos occidentaux dans le coin. Je m'en tire deja mieux."


"I wish you the best possible adaptation, lots of courage and the wisdom to remember that our digestive system can become fragile in certain corners of our planet ...... Watch out for the spices of this large country, which attack without any reserve our poor Western Christians stomachs and intestines ........"

"Thank you for the recommendations on spices. I have already reduced the quantity of local food that I swallow. My colleague has a concrete stomach, which does not arrange the things because he adores this local food. I apprecie his company but if this keeps up I will have to eat alone from time to time... But enough joking around, there are Western restaurants around. I feel already better."


January 17, 2006

Pakistan, here I am.... (me voila!)

Donc me voila, un mardi après-midi à Islamabad, Pakistan. Ce nom de ville est, hormis Kaboul, probablement la ville la plus annoncée en Asie du Sud-Est. Mon collègue et moi sommes arrivés hier aux heures petites du matin, après ce qui est, jusqu'ici, le plus long voyage que j'ai jamais fait.

So here I am, on a tuesday afternoon in Islamabad, Pakistan. This city name is, aside from Kaboul, probably the most publicized city in South-East Asia. My colleague and I arrived yesterday in the wee hours of the morning, after what is, to date, the longest trek I have ever taken.

Vendredi après-midi, j'ai pris un vol de 8 heures de long de DC de Washington à Londres. Le vol lui-même était très agreable: j'ai dormi et eu une conversation animée avec une dame espagnole qui était charmante et amusante....

Friday afternoon, I took an 8 hour long flight from Washington DC to London. The flight itself was pretty good: it involved sleep and an animated conversation with a spanish lady who was charming and amusing....

Puis, arrivé à Londres, j'ai dû litterallement traverser l'aéroport a la vitesse grand V pour attraper mon vol vers Abu Dhabi. Le vol de 5 heures était très agreable - je partageais 3 sieges avec un monsieur britannique qui avait la capacité etrange de dormir assis tout droit, ainsi je me suis effondree et j'ai dormi encore plus.

Then, arrived in London, I had to litterally cross the airport at Mach 3 to make it to my connecting flight to Abu Dhabi. The 5 hour flight was pretty good - I was sharing a 3 seater with a british gentleman who had the uncanny ability to sleep upright, so I just nuzzled up and slept some more.

Arrivée a Abu Dhabi (dans les Emirats unis), j'ai eu un transit de 5 heures à tuer. Après un verre au Piano Bar avec mon collègue, j'ai paye le 20$ usuel et soit allée dormir sur un divan dans le salon d'affaires.

Arrived in Abu Dhabi (in the United Emirates), I had a 5 hour layover to kill. After a drink at the piano bar with my colleague, I payed the customary 20$ and went to sleep on a couch in the business lounge.

Nous avons ensuite pris eu un vol de 3 heures vers Islamabad sur Gulf Air. J'étais assise à côté très d'un drôle et tres gentil pakistanais qui vis maintenant en Angleterre et qui parlait avec toutes les expressions habituelles d'un bon Brit, comme "mates" et "Cheers".

We then had a 3 hour flight to Islamabad on Gulf Air. I was seating next to a very funny and sweet pakistani guy who now lived in England and talked to me about his "mates" in Islamabad and said "cheers" every 2 seconds.

Arrivé à Islamabad (temps local de 6:30am), nous avons péniblement traverse la ligne desordonnee des douane et alors avons attendu inutilement la voiture de fonction.

Arrived in Islamabad (6:30AM local time), we painfully went throught the messy customs line-up and then waited uselessly for the company car to pick us up.

Eventuellement, nous sommes allés au Marriott et y avons pris des chambres.

Eventually, we just went to the Marriott and got rooms there.

Il y avait ce probleme que nous aurions dû payer 2 nuits parce que c'était la politique concernant les arrivees prematurees, mais nous pouvions pas faire cela parce que cette depense ne nous aurait jamais ete remboursee et on s'est prepare a attendre quelques heures.

There was this whole issue that we had to pay for 2 nights because it was the early check in policy and we couldn't do that, so we were getting ready to wait another few hours.

Mon collègue a essayé d'entrer en contact avec le bureau local tandis que je surveillais notre bagage. Je me suis endormie pendant mon tour de garde, et ca a convaincu le commis de bureau de nous donner une chambre plus tôt gratuitement.

My colleague tried to contact the local office while I was watching our luggage. I fell asleep on duty, which convinced the desk clerk to give us an early check in free of charge.

Je suis allee me coucher et j'ai dormi... pendant 26 heures d'afilee!

I then proceeded to sleeping... for 26 hours straight!

Pour le moment, je n'ai pas vu grand chose d'Islamabad, mais je puis dire ceci: Je NE VOIS AUCUNE MENACE IMMÉDIATE DE SÉCURITÉ.

So far, I haven't seen too much of Islamabad, but I can say this: I SEE NO IMMEDIATE SECURITY THREAT.

Plus à venir sur cet nouvel endroit fascinant pose au pied de l'Himalaya:)

More to come on this fascinating new place resting at the bottom of the Himalaya :)

Don't worry guys, I'm safe!

CNN.com - Officials: U.S. unsure of al-Zawahiri fate - Jan 16, 2006
From David Ensor
Villagers look Saturday at destruction in Damadola, Pakistan,
where a CIA airstrike targeted houses.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials say they are trying to determine whether Osama bin Laden's top lieutenant was attending a dinner in a remote Pakistani village and whether he was one of the people killed by a CIA airstrike.
The U.S. officials said Monday they had solid intelligence that a number of senior al Qaeda personnel were killed in Friday's attack, which targeted houses in Damadola, Pakistan.
The killings sparked demonstrations across the country, with tens of thousands of people marching against Pakistani President Gen. Pervez Musharraf and the United States.
The officials said Ayman al-Zawahiri, al Qaeda's No. 2 man, was invited to the Damadola dinner celebrating the end of the Muslim holiday of Eid.
But only some of al-Zawahiri's aides were there, Pakistani intelligence officials said Sunday, according to The Associated Press.
A U.S. counterterrorism official told CNN, "I cannot confirm at this point whether he [al-Zawahiri] showed up or not."
The remains of about 12 bodies, including as many as eight foreigners, were quickly retrieved by a group of men after the airstrike and buried elsewhere, sources said.
U.S. officials declined to comment on that report.
Pakistani officials said Sunday that 18 civilians died in the attack, including five children, five women and eight men.
The attack sparked outrage, with tribal leaders in the areas surrounding the attack vowing to continue their protest for three days, and keeping shops in the district closed.
One Pakistani intelligence official said al-Zawahiri was not among the dead and it was not known whether he had been in the area.
Pakistan Foreign Minister Khursheed Kasuri said that "as far as the reports that we've got so far, he wasn't there."
In an interview with CNN, Kasuri expressed outrage Monday that Pakistani forces had not been included.
"This is terrible -- 18 people have died -- innocent people, women and children apart from some men," he said.
Though U.S. and Pakistani forces have long shared intelligence, "any operations, if and when requested, will be conducted by the Pakistani army, to prevent just the sort of occurrence that happened," he said.
Kasuri declined to say whether Pakistani authorities had been informed of the strike beforehand.
"The important thing is not whether we knew or not," he said. "The important thing is a question of our sovereignty, a violation of our sovereignty."
The U.S. ambassador to Pakistan has been "called in," he said, adding that he is prepared to take his complaint higher. "If required, I'll talk to Dr. Rice," he said, referring to U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
"Actions of this nature strengthen the hands of those who oppose this kind of cooperation."

DNA sample available

CNN analyst John McLaughlin, a former CIA deputy director, said that if al-Zawahiri is alive "there is a reasonable chance we will know sometime within the week" -- either because al Qaeda will put out a new tape to capitalize on the U.S. failure to get him or from "other intelligence sources or possibly forensics."
If al-Zawahiri is dead, it could take longer to verify, McLaughlin said.
U.S. officials confirmed that the FBI has a DNA sample from al-Zawahiri's brother that could be used for forensic identification purposes, but they declined to say whether forensic work was under way to identify those killed.
FBI Special Agent Richard Kolko said while the bureau often does DNA work for the Defense Department and other agencies, "no request has been received for assistance at this time; however, we remain available if asked."
U.S. authorities believe al-Zawahiri, 54, a doctor from a prominent Egyptian family, helped mastermind the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He also has been indicted in the United States for his alleged role in the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.
The U.S. government has offered a $25 million reward for information leading to his capture.

U.S. lawmakers defend strike

On Sunday, U.S. politicians expressed regret over the deaths caused by the attack but said the airstrike was justified.
"It's terrible when innocent people are killed; we regret that," Sen. John McCain told CBS' "Face the Nation."
"But we have to do what we think is necessary to take out al Qaeda, particularly the top operatives. This guy has been more visible than Osama bin Laden lately," the Arizona Republican said.
Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Indiana, told CNN's "Late Edition With Wolf Blitzer" that the Pakistani government is unable to control that part of the country, where sympathetic residents were believed to be harboring al Qaeda leaders.
"Now, it's a regrettable situation, but what else are we supposed to do?" Bayh asked rhetorically. "It's like the Wild, Wild West out there. The Pakistani border [with Afghanistan is] a real problem."
Copyright 2006 CNN. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Associated Press contributed to this report

January 09, 2006


So I've officially left home sweet home. I cried buckets leaving Dave behind and feel, as I write this, the pinch of separation eating at me. Being away from him is truely painful. I will also miss my mum and her cooking, and my "real-life" friends who are probably not even reading this blog.

Anyway, before I go and explore the mysteries of Paki-land, I have to go and get briefed at HQ. Not that I hate going to HeadQuarters or anything, but everytime I go there, something happens. Today was no exception.

I went to bed this morning a 00:30AM. I woke up at 4AM so I wouldn't miss my plane. My mum accompanied me to the airport, and I checked in my luggage. So far, so good. It's painful to not sleep, but I can handle it.

Now this is where it becomes sad, ugly, and depressing.

I repeatedly tell my agent that if she is to book me a connecting flight, she should allow buffer time for the connection. It seems that the message got lost, because once again I missed my connecting flight.

I didn't have anything to do with it, it just happened, I swear. I caught my flight on time. But my home town being close to the equivalent of Siberia, the ground crew judged it necessary to spray THE WHOLE AIRPLANE with anti-freeze. Now, that's a lot of windshield washer for you!

The whole operation took 30 minutes, which was enough to make me miss my connection. But on top of that, my flight was in an other terminal of LaGuardia airport, and I had to take a 20 minute trek to the place, re-register at security. This doesn't include the 10 minutes during which I walked around, trying desperately to find my way.

Anyway, eventually I got booked on the following flight and made it to the office, starving and exhausted.

Now, can someone please tell me WHY MY LUGGAGE DIDNT FOLLOW?

The Beaver

Thank you Noisette in LA and Nerdine in Norway for posting on my Guest Map!

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !

January 04, 2006

Once, again.... suffering from DRS...


If you don't know about DRS, click here.

So I disappeared...

In my defense, I haven't been home in 3 months, and have very little time to spend with friends and family. So I had a hard time working on my projects in the meantime, let alone put down some coherent thoughts...

So I did do a few cool things while I was gone:

I resumed my taste for movies and saw:

  1. Harry Potter IV
  2. Chronicles of Narnia
  3. Chicken Little (hi hi hi)

I resumed my taste for international dining and:

  1. Went out for SUSHI with my mum
  2. Went to an Indian Restaurant with Dave
  3. Went to a Korean Restaurant with my girlfriends

I also reconnected with my RPG habits and:

  1. Played a barbarian NPC at D&D
  2. Finished the first episode of our 7 year Star Wars Saga (in which I play an outlawed military commander belonging to the Homo Aquarius race...)

Last but not least:

  1. I had coffee with friends;
  2. Enjoyed intense dancing during a girl's night out;
  3. Enjoyed intense partying during New Year's eve with Dave and my good friends JP and Mymy.

During the last 2 weeks, I did not:

  1. Work, think about, or consider working on the project I was supposed to work on; (blushing in shame)

But I did :

  1. Keep taking my work email and responding;
  2. Make arrangements for my next travels out.


As of last week, my travel schedule has changed pretty drastically since September

(click the link to see the old schedule):

January 2005

I am actually going to PAKISTAN 2 weeks from now !!!!

(Of course, this is an audit)

February and March 2006

I'll be spending 2 weeks in each of these countries of West Africa in the course of follow-ups:

April and May 2006

June and July 2006

August and September 2006October and November 2006

Whewww... and it will very likely change some more over the year...

The Beaver

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !

And the winner is.....

Thanks Library Bitch for this amusing test :)

Your 2005 Song Is

Feel Good Inc by Gorillaz

"Love forever love is free.
Let's turn forever you and me."

In 2005, you were loving life and feeling no pain.

The Beaver

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !