This post is dedicated to my loyal readers. I'm sorry I haven't been more funny and updatapaloozing my blog. I promise sunnier days... soon ! Yes, I know, I owe you guys another 50 things about my s.o.... Coming up soon as well !
D.R.S. : Decapitated Rooster Syndrome
I'm still going insane with preparations, but it all got a bit loosened up with a few new developments.
Yesterday, I did not buy a big wheeled suitcase for my travel.
Truth is, I completely forgot. I did go to the French consulate with my emergency letter to get my passport released faster. Got there just a bit after public hours and had to stalk the embassy clerk on her cigarette break to give my letter. Called today, my passport will be ready on the 14th.

Photos (clockwise from top left): Wonderboy Nxumalo from Ardmore Ceramic Art Studio(photo by Anthony Bannister), elephant in Hluhluwe game reserve,basket by Beauty Ngxongo, historic Nova Constantia from
I did also complete some paperwork for work, and got some real cool news. I will be leaving a week later, and Cameroon has been replaced by South Africa on my schedule. Even though I was looking forward to visiting the country where my dad started his development career 30some years ago, I'm very excited to get a chance to travel in South Africa. Also solves my visa issue as Canadians don't need a visa to get there.I paid a goodbye visit to the people at the Mountain. It was a bit emotional as I really spent a lot of time patrolling this summer, with being without a job and all...

This morning, I bought a huge, professional, wheeled suitcase for my travels. On a 2 year warranty and at a very reasonable 60 bucks. Emptied out my locker with Dave. I was supposed to hang out with my mum and pack my bags, but she cancelled so now I'm on my own. It's done and taken care of, and I also packed whatever clothes I don't take with me to store at the cottage or to give to the poor.
On Friday, I will pay a goodbye visit to my ex-boss, to the people at the Mountain and to the YWCA staff. I will also do the laundry and wash all my stuff to be packed. Dave and I should go buy paint for the next day as well.
Saturday the 10th, the movers are taking all the furniture Dave isn't keeping to the country house for storage. That, and all the boxes I have packed. Dave and I will take the day to paint his apartment.
Sunday, I have off.
Monday, I have nothing to do.
Tuesday, Dave is moving into his place. I'll be tagging along as it is meant to be my regular squat.
Thursday, I'll will go shop for clothes with my mum.
The rest of the week, I take off, except that I'll have to drive my car to the cottage.
Suddenly, I also have a whole week of doing nothing.... since I fly directly from Montreal to Conakry on the 24th.
So, please tell me : GUYS, DID I FORGET ANYTHING ?
Where am I going ?
First : Guinea
Then : South Africa
The Beaver
Thanks, Qalamana in Senegal, for posting on my guest map !
My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !
How wonderful Beaver!I have often dreamed of going to Africia before I pass on.
The best possible jobs, in my humble opinion, are ones where you have fun while working.
Take care!
RBC is a pretty good company, but I'm rather biased. My mom works for RBC Dain Rauscher which is a sister company that deals with stocks and bonds and whole bunch of other stuff I don't understand.
Good luck with all your travels. It sounds so incredible. You'll have a blast! LP is right, nothing beats a job that is enjoyable.
Take care of yourself and keep remember to breathe ;)
Wow! Youre going to Africa! How cool!! :D
So sorry honey coz I didn't review your blog for long.. School started, so I don't have so much tiome anymore...
Blessed Be,
Man, I wish I was with RBC. I'm with National Bank, which has no ATMs and no flexibility (plus, they're cheap). Grr! I'd switch to RBC if I had the drive.
Have fun at your job... You are going to so many interesting places! That is so cool!
Oops! Posted my comment on the previous post, but do you have a link for the great maps you host? Glad to see Beaver traveling and hard at work like all good beavers. I'm going to post, in a day or two, a poem from Robert Service called "Carry On". I'd like you to tell me what you think of the way it fits your general sense of my blog site. I am beginning to think about whether or not one post makes any sense in relation to another. Do Bloggers bother with this? Should one just kiss off rules? Should one consider another blog for different thoughts? Don't worry if you are too busy for such "Big Sister of the Web" duties. Hope all is as good as it looks.
Thanks to all of you for popping in. Sorry I haven't been answering recently....
LP : This is very true. Yet I'm told field auditing can be harrowing. Never been afraid of work though.
Steve : Thanks, I emailed you. Thanks for the email back :)
Tina : So far, RBC has really given me the service that I need. If you're mum's part of the reason their service is good, all the better :)
Anya : It's ok, really. School is VERY important. Let it be your priority for now, just make sure to keep me informed of how you do...
Lewis : I don't know what up with Kate. I posted a comment on her blog. I know 007inAfrica tried to email and it bounced. I sure hope she's ok.
Vick: Get the nerve ! With RBC, you get an ATM card both for your US and CDN account. You can also get a credit card in USD if necessary. And you can transfer from CDN to US on the net. All things the BNC doesn't offer.
Siti : Cool that you put up a pic ! I will definitely keep posting.
SpecialK : Are you Kate formerly known as RedHandedJill ? If you're not, you're still Welcome to Beaverland ! If you are : how are you ? we've been worried about you!
SaltWater : Sorry I haven't commented recently on you blog. I've been checking my regular reads in lurk mode, as I'm more occupied than before. As for your question, it's your blog, so you get to do what you want with it. LP used to have 3 blogs for different styles of writing. I just mix up what ever I want to put. Bottom line is, it's your blog, your world, you get to decide !
yup!! That's a pic of me... I'm actually not very photogenic but i LOVE this photo.
p/s background of the photo: It was taken in school while i was really really bored in lecture =P
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