Loyal readers, forgive my lazyness....
Here's my travel schedule for the year.
Very excited, as I never went to any of these countries.
All of these maps are originally from CNN. You can find them by entering CNN and the country name in Google.
More stories to come. Need to find time and energy to write, as I'm particularly beat....
September 2005

November 2005
January 2005
February 2006
April 2006 June 2006
September 2006

The Beaver

Thanks, Mary in Jamaica, for posting on my Guestmap !
My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !
Are you going to East Timor in January for CRS? Do you know if Jamieson Davies still the country director there?
Email me if she is...
It all sounds quite interesting, a great adventure!
I've a relative who lived in Mauritius and often went to Madagascar: amazing pictures!
I don't know yet what will I be doing from november onwards: wish me luck!
Did you delete my comment? Or did it just never post?
You are missed my beloved friend. I would love to have a job where I could travel at someone else expense. You have fun, while working now hear!
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