Once again, the Jazz Festival came to an end without me even setting foot there. Hmmf ! this is the 4th year this happens. I need to start being more willful about this.
A few more festivals are opening up though :
- The Francofolies
- Fantasia
- Just for Laughs
I already went to Fantasia. My goal is attending at least once the other two.
In the meantime, I will pursue my patrolling activities and keep making new friends. I just came home from an evening of board games with Dave and a couple of new friends, a german game called Carcassone :

"Carcassonne die Stadt (Carcassonne: The Town) is a deluxe edition of the Carcassonne-series, that comes in a wooden box with quality components. In this new standalone game, players build up the old town together by placing tiles. While the town area grows, the town walls grow around it, starting from a wooden tower. The wall is comprised of delicately carved wooden parts, that create a beautiful rendition of the medieval town at the end of the game.Next to the slightly modified tile-laying rules, players have the possibility to place their followers as guards on the walls, offering them a wide view of the town. This brings the players extra points. Each player also receives three twisted wooden towers, giving the town walls an added aesthetic effect. (from www.spielbox.de)"

t was a lot of fun, but Dave had a hard time : being color-blind, he has trouble seeing the detail of the game-tiles. it was the first time that I witnessed his color-blindness really affecting an activity. And I've know him for 12 years. Kinda makes you think, doesn't it ? I guess I should be more aware and helpful...
So my resolutions :
- be nicer to boyfriend,
- go to more festivals !
The Beaver
You are totally right about the value of festivals. We like the Britt festival in Jacksonville, OR. Even the idea of it is cool. The people in the town provide a room in their houses for musicians and or their families so as to bring an entire orchestra from all around the world to the Britt. This gives us three weeks in August of multimillion dollar performances at a third of the cost. The setting is unbelievable. It is a tree and grass covered hillside with a huge hightech stage at the base. The temp is usually 100 plus and they sell every thing one could want to eat. Our favorite is a fruit cup with a sweet curry dipping sause, fantastic! My wife and I are nobodies in this world, but we definetly feel like somebodies when there. www.brittfest.org
It certainly sounds fun ! I think it may be because I'm a local that I have a hardtime going to fests. I used to totally be a regular when I was still new in MTL...
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