This is dedicated to all who have lost something to Katrina. May the sadness of your loss be lightened by the knowledge that the world is looking on you, and praying.
All of you regular readers may have noticed that I usually do not post about current events, except on special occasions.
If I had more time, I would write a rant about how GWB is not taking care of his people, how we are witnessing the end of America's lead on the international scene, and on how horrible the fates of those in New Orleans are.
The truth is, I don't have time to write thoughtful post on the matter, or to pull out pictures.
Others have done a great job at this and I commend them for it. In this hectic time, they have kept me abreast of the world.
The Voice, Salt Water, Cricketina, Library Bitch, Liquid Plastic and Xoloitzquintle have all shared thoughts, news, experiences or pictures on the matter. Do visit their blogs, they are full of insight on the New Orleans crisis. I share their shock, awe, sympathy and anger.
If time allows, I will post more about this.
All of these were created with the help of James , a fun NetFind by Lewis.

The Beaver

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !
Those are hysterical!! What a following you have! Where was that lighted sign with the full description and url?? Did you take all of those yourself?
Congrats, your voice is being heard, and through you, ours are as well!! Thanks for the link.
Haha! I love those pictures!!! They are great!!
Blessed be,
My goodness Beaver, you got a solid fan base that doesn’t mind taking chances! These are very artistic signs.
You're cute, I guess I should have checked out your links before I got all excited.
Thanks Beav! I have lost my faith that our government is run by honest people. This is beginning to look like a land grab. Properties are being bought in huge lots from scared desperate people by large realestate groups. This is sick beyound belief.
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