Les deux autres auditeurs sont arrives hier. Ils sont charmants tous les 2. Un d'eux est originaire du Burkina et me dit que lorsqu'il etait enfant a Coulouba, il se rappelle d'une petite blonde qui venait jouer chez lui avec sa nounou. En fait, nous etions les seuls blancs a Coulouba, c'est donc moi... Le monde est bien petit...
Rapidement, voici la liste des taches qui me sont confies pour cet audit. Eventuellement, je toucherais a d’autres domaines, mais pour le moment, je suis vraiment dans ce qui touche aux relations juridique de notre programme local…
Hier soir j’ai passe une excellente soiree… en compagnie de S C (une amie de ma mere)! Comme je venais de faire une petite epicerie, je l’ai recue au vin rouge et au fromage bleu, dans ma chambre du Riviera, ou elle etait aussi descendue. Elle etait tres surprise de me croiser a la reception, surtout qu’elle ne t’a pas parle depuis la mi-aout…. Enfin bref, nous avons fait une bonne sceance de rattrapage … Sylvie m’a raconte sa mission, apparemment tres dure, car elle se trouve a visiter maisons closes et chambres de passes, dans le cadre d’un projet de prevention VIH-SIDA aupres des travailleuses du sexe. Pas evident…
Samedi je pars en mission terrain pour evaluer avec un collegue les centres de distribution de nourriture de N’zerekore et Kissidougou. Je serais absente une semaine complete.
Rapidement, voici la liste des taches qui me sont confies pour cet audit. Eventuellement, je toucherais a d’autres domaines, mais pour le moment, je suis vraiment dans ce qui touche aux relations juridique de notre programme local…
Hier soir j’ai passe une excellente soiree… en compagnie de S C (une amie de ma mere)! Comme je venais de faire une petite epicerie, je l’ai recue au vin rouge et au fromage bleu, dans ma chambre du Riviera, ou elle etait aussi descendue. Elle etait tres surprise de me croiser a la reception, surtout qu’elle ne t’a pas parle depuis la mi-aout…. Enfin bref, nous avons fait une bonne sceance de rattrapage … Sylvie m’a raconte sa mission, apparemment tres dure, car elle se trouve a visiter maisons closes et chambres de passes, dans le cadre d’un projet de prevention VIH-SIDA aupres des travailleuses du sexe. Pas evident…
Samedi je pars en mission terrain pour evaluer avec un collegue les centres de distribution de nourriture de N’zerekore et Kissidougou. Je serais absente une semaine complete.
The two other auditors arrived yesterday. They are both charming. One of them is from Burkina and told me that when he was a child in Coulouba, he remembers of a blonde toddler who came to play at his place with her nanny. In fact, we were the only white ones has Coulouba, it is thus me... The world is quite small...
Quickly, here the list of the spots which are entrusted to me for this audit. Possibly, I would touch other fields, but for the moment, I am really in what is relevant to the legal relationships of our local program...
Yesterday evening I had an excellent evening... in company of SC (a friend of my mother's)! As I had just made a small grocery, I invited her over for the red wine and blue cheese, in my hotel room. She was very surprised to meet me at the reception, especially since she had not spoken to Mum since mid-August.... But we had a nice catch-up session... S. told me about her mission, which apparently is very hard, because it is to visit brothels and other places of such destination, within the framework of a project of prevention HIV-AIDS with sex workers. Not easy...
Saturday I leave on a field mission with a colleage to evaluate food distribution centers in N'zerekore and Kissidougou. I will be away for a complete week.
The Beaver

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !
I am glad you put it in English too! I don't blame you, make sure they are during what they are suppose to do. I have heard about too many programs in other country where the service don't reach the folks its intended for.
You go woman!
hey there!!
its kinda cool how the world works. I don't know, I'm really fascinated by that "its a small world" incident of you and that colleague of yours.
Wow! I know it is odd to believe in divine providence in todays world, but. I found and African blog that lead me to the WFP and an automatic donation monthly. This was our first outside of the Sierra Club. Then I met you and your friends in Africa. Next I see the Movie "The Constant Gardener". This I assume you know is all about Africa. Now you are there doing (dare I say) God's work. This has all happened since Christmas. The real pisser is, I hate my economic life. I am not rich, but my paper worth, if liquidated would be about 225 thousand. If I sold everything I have and went to Africa I could do a lot more than I do now, which is little more than token charitable contributions here and there. You are clearly to busy (on first typing you came out busty instead of busy) to bother with this chatter, but thanks for the thoughts you cause. You are a Great One. By the way, I refered to you as "Oh Great Big Sister". Was it clear I meant Oh Great One and not Oh great,big one? Some how I cannot figure out the proper syntax. I want to be able to correctly refer to you as Oh Great Big Sister of the Web. Some thing tells me to shut up, say thanks and wish you good luck Beav!
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