A view of the city, from the mountain...
Typical Duplex unit, on the very popular Plateau...
Sunset on Montreal (taken from the Pont Champlain)
Fountain and guitarist in the very urban "Carré Saint-Louis"

That building they put up... while I was gone... I'm always amazed at how fast construction happens...
The Beaver

Beautiful pics - Your home looks like a lovely place.
Fantastic Beav! I love blog travel. If I ever figure out how to make my links work, yours will be my first linked site. I did wish I had some way to show your site this weekend. I had a great seakayak trip with a woman who flew in from Texas. I never ask for personal details because they are not right often enough to matter. Yet, I thought of you when I heard her story. She is 37, farm raised with 8 siblings, BS degree in math and physics, masters in engenering, peace corp in Kenya, and adventurous enough to have bicycled New Zealand and come up here to kayak our ocean rock gardens. It was a great time and an unusually nice day for sealife dicovery. Thanks. Sorry about the length.
very nice photos!
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