Hope that hurricane doesn't spoil more of your time !
Got this one from http://straightfromthecask.blogspot.com
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Who is your "Lost" alter ego?
created with QuizFarm.com
I scored as Charlie. Sweet, adorable and caring but with a bit of a bad habit. |

My guest map is wonderful ! And you'd all be wonderful to post, all of you lurk mode readers!
Thanks and may the winds of Fate blow your way !
Charlie sorto looks like my s.o., hubby, and best friend, Dave.
Except he doesn't dress like that and would never have Fate on his hands that way.
Cheers !
I scored as Kate.
You're Kate! You're not really a bad person, you've just had some trouble with your past - what's a few lies, anyhow? You're a little secretive but let's face it ... what others don't know won't hurt them. Under all that, you really are a good person. You're ready to help even if it'll set you back a bit.
I'm not so sure I agree with the summary, but eh! I've never seen the show, but it was fun to think about the answers to the questions. It kept me occupied for a few, at least! Thanks so much, you're so sweet!!
The hurricane made landfall significantly earlier than ever forcasted, so it should be basically out of here by the time we wake up tomorrow. Doesn't mean we'll have sunny skys, but at least things will be open!!
I scored as Jack: not that bad...
Hey girl, I don't know what's wrongo with my computer at work but can't pick the pin and place it on the map :( I've tried the "helping tool" but didn't work out... is there any way you could "place me"?
Great Blog by the way...
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